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April 2022

Hello, Everyone!

Lent is my favorite season. Each year as I purpose anew to lean into my relationship with the Lord, He shows me so many things about myself (that I need refreshing or changing) and about Himself that only deepens my love and appreciation for Him. This year, He has used the recorded true story of Lazarus to show me so much. One of the things the Holy Spirit revealed to me this year is contained in the last two lines of the story. As Jesus commands Lazarus to “come forth” and raises him from the dead, the 4-day-dead man comes forth, still bound by grave clothes that Jesus then directs to be removed. What an amazing picture of what the all-powerful intercessory prayer of Jesus in the Will of the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit can do for a person! The parallel between Lazarus’ earthly resurrection to new life, restoration (4 days dead!), and release from the grave and graveclothes (the ramification of sin and its bounds) cannot be denied. And we, who bring the Good News of this GOD in all His persons, can witness this miracle every time we see someone come to a full and saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I pray that you experience this in your ministry through MALTA or in your other spheres of life this season and beyond!

Because He Lives,


"When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, 'Lazarus, come out!' The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, 'Take off the grave clothes and let him go.'"

John 11:43-44


Will has a place “for life” as of today!!! After the better part of 20 years homeless, Will is in a place of his own. After many years of patient ministry and interaction with Will by so many MALTA volunteers over the years, Will began to see a hope and a future for himself with new eyes. He began to come and pray and learn with one of our volunteers, especially, and came to salvation in Jesus. Even though he still struggles with some big things, Will made great strides in many aspects of life and accepted help and guidance from social workers he connected with during MALTA public office hours. As a result of his changes, the great efforts of his social workers and the encouragement he receives through his faith and MALTA volunteers, I was privileged to follow him and his social worker, Nick as he entered his home for the first time today. While TVCCA is providing Will with furniture and some basic household items, MALTA was able to provide Will with a microwave, comforter set, pillows and other items, as well as groceries. Thank you to everyone who has poured into Will’s life. Please pray for him as he engages in this new lifestyle. He will still have Nick from TVCCA in his life on a regular basis, and come to MALTA on Wednesdays, but needs prayer covering. Please check the website in the next few days for photos.

BIG THANKS to GROTON HEIGHTS BAPTIST CHURCH for their special Lenten Collection of 215 cans of soup. This will go a long way to helping people who are experiencing food insecurity to have nutritious protein filled meals. You are appreciated!

AS THE WARM WEATHER INCREASES, so does the number of individuals who “camp.” Please pray for this. Pray that we can help people to connect to the services they need before they lose their housing, that they accept the help they are offered and need, and that they do not see living in a camp as a viable lifestyle.

PRAY for our partnership with Yale School of Medicine (YSM). I mentioned last month that YALE reached out to MALTA, impressed by the scope of our interaction with the many different “hidden homeless” populations, as well as people living in shelters. Today I received word that our partnership with their mobile outreach is a “go” and will begin in May! More details are forthcoming. Praise the Lord for His favor in connecting us to reach so many more people through the opportunity to serve people and Him as we supply people with immediate material needs and offer spiritual support as well.

REVELATION CHURCH has been extremely gracious towards MALTA in their transition into ownership of the church building in which we are housed. We are grateful and look forward to our partnership going forward.


  • If any Pawcatuck volunteers would like to experience volunteering with a Groton/New London team once, there are several dates in April where we could use people. Please look at the attached schedule and see if any of the dates indicated “Volunteers Needed” fit your schedule and desire to serve.

  • Jeans, Jeans, Jeans….and did I mention JEANS???!!! Especially men’s – waist sizes 32, 33, 34 especially

  • REFERENCES – I would LOVE to engage your group, club, workplace, school…Please refer me or supply me with names/numbers/email addresses to increase our exposure and collection potential.

For more updates, changing weekly, look around this website in the Latest News and Events sections for photos and more regarding God at work through our involvement with the community and: Covenant Shelter, New London Homeless Hospitality Center (shelter) and Warming Center, Noank Youth Shelter, St. Vincent DePaul Place, Fellowship House, Safe Futures and more.

MALTA Ministries

Executive Board

Mary Young, President

Randy Wood, Vice President

Natalie Thomas, Treasurer

Jennifer Fasano, Secretary



Tori Bulted, Executive Director

Robin Depot, Food Coordinator

Beth Botelho, Admin. Assistant


Phone: (860) 373-3975


       Malta, Inc.

       20 Grove Ave

       Groton, CT 06340

Registered Charity: 06-1554478

Support Us!

Click the Donate button below to support us financially.

Mail donations by check or donations of much needed gift cards (for Walmart, Shell Gas, or Ocean State Job Lot) to MALTA, 20 Grove Ave, Groton, CT 06340


Drop off clean donations at MALTA, 

             20 Grove Ave, Groton, CT

and place in the donation bin at the bottom of the ramp on the Starr Hill Rd side of the building.

Thank you for your support!

Thank you to our Sponsors!

© 2020 Malta Outreach

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