Happy December All,
Victoria Stillwell is a dog trainer who has a show that I watched quite a bit when we got our first dog Cody Cupcake. She teaches tough to teach doggies and their owners. One of Victoria’s strategies to help with a dog who pulls on the leash all the time is to stop moving until the dog looks or moves back towards you and the tension is released on the leash. Then you move forward and repeat this process as many times as is necessary. The other morning, I was particularly frustrated with our sweet girl Gracie. She is 5 and we just inherited her recently from a friend that could no longer care for her. Gracie hasn’t had much training and this day she just would not stop pulling. She LOVES being outside and she particularly loves this spot. She was so excited she had the leash pulled to the max and her little body was hopping and going nowhere with each excited little pounce she let out a bark like “hey let’s go!” but I wasn’t moving. I was in a rush to get the kids to school and I needed to get her to her “potty spot” but she kept pulling me so I had to stop. I had so many things to do and felt so much pressure to move and move fast but also teach our girl how to walk nicely (so she doesn’t knock over my daughter). While I was standing there, I was so frustrated saying God help this dog to hurry up and listen so we can go! I looked next to me and Cody Cupcake who we trained years ago was sitting there next to me looking up at me just waiting for me to move. In this moment God showed me I can be just like our Gracie. During this Holiday Season I encourage you to examine your posture. Are you like Cody Cupcake eyes fixed on Jesus ready to walk with Him at his pace or are you postured like Gracie running ahead and trying to drag Jesus along with you? The best part is we were going to the same place! Don’t let the pressure and business of the season keep you from focusing on Him. I am certain we will accomplish more and faster by slowing down and focusing on Jesus and allowing Him to set the pace for our days.
Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.
Enjoy the walk with Him,
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith..."
Hebrews 12:1-2
· We welcomed 2 new volunteers Lisa and Tammy Welcome!
· Welcome Back to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest!
· Men's Winter Coats
· New or gently used Sneakers
· New shower shoes (flip-flops)
· Deodorant
· Gift cards to Walmart, Shell Gas, Ocean State Job Lot
· Ongoing Financial support
· Men's new or gently used casual winter clothing
· Our new Big Y weekly stop started with just two people coming over and word is quickly spreading. We served 4 people last week and were able to connect a couple to housing resources. I have received two texts this week mentioning others that are outside in Groton coming to meet with us this week. Thank you again volunteers for all you do- Please join me in praying for the right apartments to open up for each one!
Men of Dance Fitness at the Whaling City Athletic Club! Learn more on our facebook or our Latest News page