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June 2023

“This is my story, this is my song….,” as the old hymn goes. Indeed, these verses are that to me. The way that this person responded to Jesus is how I seek to live my life in Him - and I really hope you do the same! It is how MALTA lives out our mission. It is how we will continue to serve others as we help people to bridge the gaps in their life, including the bridge that is Jesus.

Mordecai proclaimed to Esther, “Perhaps you have been created for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14) While our lifetime is the “such a time” to serve and make an impact for Christ, our individual lives are also broken into seasons.  For me, personally I am ending my season as Executive Director at MALTA to something else I have been created for, while I/we excitedly pass the position to another whom the LORD has created to fill that role for such a time as this! Please join us in welcoming Tori Bulted as our new Executive Director!

It has been an awesome blessing of God to serve Him and so many people through MALTA in this role. My husband, Mark, my family, my pastor, my Groton Heights church family, friends, MALTA staff, volunteers and Board of Directors, along with so many community partners have all been such a huge support (and even cheerleaders when God knew I needed that). Although I will be returning professionally to my career in art, I look forward to continuing loving and serving God and others by volunteering with MALTA’s Friday Night Outreach several times a year and in the community at large.

Christ’s Love & Peace to You!


"And he answered, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.'

'You have answered correctly,' Jesus replied. 'Do this and you will live.'"

Luke 10:27-28

Goodbye, Lori...Welcome Tori!

After a successful tenure with MALTA, Lori McClain has retired from serving as Executive Director.  MALTA is pleased to announce our new Executive Director, Tori Bulted! Tori is a wonderful woman of God who comes to us with a heart for the population we serve, along with several years of experience. Tori has held different positions at the New London Homeless Hospitality Center, where she will remain as Services Manager, while also taking on the role of Malta's Executive Director. The Day actually covered this all and highlighted MALTA very well in a recent article (May 11, 2023). We look forward to continuing the mission under Tori's leadership.


  • We had a very successful Volunteers Meeting on May 22nd with 42 in attendance where we said goodbye to Lori and welcomed Tori as our new Executive Director

  • Kitchen volunteers still wanted for one Friday evening and to add to our Wednesday cooking team. Contact Tori at (860) 373-3975


  • BRAND NEW MEN’S & LADIES UNDERWEAR - please host a collection at your church, work, group, team, etc.  Call Lori or Tori if you need help.

  • New or gently used Sneakers

  • New shower shoes (flip-flops)

  • Deodorant

  • Gift cards to Walmart, Shell Gas, Ocean State Job Lot

  • Ongoing Financial support

    WE ARE IN NEED OF REGULAR MONTHLY SUPPORT.  Please suggest to your friends and family and churches. Click here to access our online giving. Click the "Monthly" button to become a regular supporter.

  • Leads to grants and awards



  • Malta’s 2nd Wednesday Community Roundtable met successfully again in May as people from 10 agencies and organizations attended and welcomed John Paul Valenzuela from Carelon (formerly Beacon Health) as our featured speaker. John Paul coordinates services for families coming out of DCF to continue with or be connected to services in a way that empowers them for success as individuals and as families.

  • Chelsea Groton Bank notified us that we have received a grant in the amount of $4000 for the “Breaking the Cycle” aspect of the ministry which is now called “Bridging the Gap” which includes the initiatives listed under the About Us tab. Click here to the Bridging the Gap page. These initiatives include:

    o  Wear to Work

    o  Emergency ID & Communication Replacement

    o  Safety & Emergency Transportation

    o  Your Place

    o  Basic Vehicle Safety

    We are SO grateful but do need double that amount to see the program succeed to the level necessary to meet needs. Please keep your eyes and ears out for any opportunities to promote or sponsor Malta through your work or organization.  

For more updates, changing often, look around this website in the Latest News section for photos and more regarding God at work through our involvement with the community and: Covenant Shelter, New London Homeless Hospitality Center (shelter) and Warming Center, Noank Youth Shelter, St. Vincent DePaul Place, Fellowship House, Safe Futures and more.

MALTA Ministries

Executive Board

Mary Young, President

Randy Wood, Vice President

Natalie Thomas, Treasurer

Jennifer Fasano, Secretary



Tori Bulted, Executive Director

Robin Depot, Food Coordinator

Beth Botelho, Admin. Assistant


Phone: (860) 373-3975


       Malta, Inc.

       20 Grove Ave

       Groton, CT 06340

Registered Charity: 06-1554478

Support Us!

Click the Donate button below to support us financially.

Mail donations by check or donations of much needed gift cards (for Walmart, Shell Gas, or Ocean State Job Lot) to MALTA, 20 Grove Ave, Groton, CT 06340


Drop off clean donations at MALTA, 

             20 Grove Ave, Groton, CT

and place in the donation bin at the bottom of the ramp on the Starr Hill Rd side of the building.

Thank you for your support!

Thank you to our Sponsors!

© 2020 Malta Outreach

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