Recently we learned of some “hidden homeless” in our community. Noank Community

Support Services runs Clift House, a home in our area to temporally house unaccompanied border children, while relatives are located in the US who are willing and qualified to take them in.
We approached Christ Lutheran Church to choose Malta as their local missions project with the idea of kids helping kids.

They collected different brand-new items each of the five days of VBS and opened it up to the whole church. They collected kid socks and underwear, children’s toothpaste and toothbrushes, children’s tees and shorts, children’s shampoos, and children’s books.
Additionally we received donations from United Natural Foods International which we in turn gave to the children of Clift House:
Natural juice boxes, natural fruit candy slices, granola bars, and a case of Cheerios.
Pictured below with the collection from left to right:
Marina, Case Management and Medical Director Keila both of Clift House; Jean, Director of Residential Services for Noank Community Support Services; and Abby Bessire, Malta Intern Assistant to the Coordinator.
